Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Winter Wonderland!

So you can see a little about me, my life, my pets. This has been a good old fashion Michigan winter with tons of snow and really cold temps. I went out this morning and took some photos of the dogs, and then at sunset again and captured some shadows and trees. 

This morning
My Border Collie, Chloe. She likes to play fetch and loves the snow

Weeds standing in the snow

Brave little weed

Haleakala. She loves the snow too, but she just likes to dig for mice in the undergrowth (which is under three feet of snow right now). Sometimes she steals the stick and plays keep away too. 

 Tonight's Sunset
Waves in the snow ... shadows from the setting sun

Black Walnut tree at sunset ... this tree has been hit by lightening a few times. 

Backyard Hickory tree ... and the moon

Sam and Jet snuggling

Jet with sun setting behind


  1. What lovely shots, Heidi! It certainly looks bloody cold there!

    1. -5 Fahrenheit this morning Tina! It's supposed to warm up ... any day now....

  2. Oh, and thank you, it was lovely out, really.
