Sunday, May 4, 2014

Finally some time to chat

Amidst our adventures in making handmade natural soaps, we have managed to enjoy some outdoor time, watching the grass slowly grow and the leaves in the wood behind the house ever so slowly turn, well, not yet green, but thinking about turning green. 

I've managed to eek out some new yarn .... 

This is a lovely 50/50 Merino silk from a roving I purchased from a fiber artist in New Zealand. Beautiful colors, deep purples and super soft. 

I also managed this boldly colored skein in 100% Merino. Usually I turn 100% Merino into a thick and thin because often in the past I have found it difficult to spin, but my skills and knowledge have improved with time and I am able to now spin a nice, consistent strand of single ply Merino.

In between skeins Jim and I have been mad chemists in the kitchen making a new batch of soap about one every other day. I opened my new Etsy shop, The Savvy Soap (how original, I know) and although the shop is not fully stocked, there are racks of soap waiting to complete their curing process so that I can put them up on the site. 

Many favorites ... smells, aromas .... and some that just don't turn out. And then there are some that are really horrible until they finish curing and they are wonderful, like the coffee vanilla Neroli batch that will be finished curing in a couple weeks. Lovely brown color with spots smelled horrid for the first two weeks (and while we were making it). The horrid smell has finally left it and it smells great!

The batch here to the right is made of Moroccan clay and other amazing ingredients formulated for oily skin. I think this would make a fantastic facial bar. Swirled with a natural brown pigment for a lovely effect. 

And then, we discovered BATH BOMBS!!!

Now I want to take a bath every night. They are so amazing! Drop one into the water and it fizzes for a few minutes and then the water is super soft and smells utterly wonderful. Since we tend to goof up about half of each batch - the mixture is resistant to sticking together and tends to therefore get stuck in the mold when I remove it - I have been able to indulge myself. And so has my family. We've all had a bath bomb bath in the last week!

Our bath bombs include Dead Sea Salt, which makes the water feel light and leaves your skin feeling soft, and usually some oils such as olive oil, grapeseed oil, or sweet almond oil, which leaves just a slight silkiness to the skin. So instead of the bath drying out your skin, it moistens it and feels wonderful! 

My yarn shop thus feeling neglected, I spun up some destash bling batts and loose fiber and along with some sari silk crocheted a beautiful fuchsia infinity scarf. 

Please do visit our new shop. And I promise to keep spinning. I still have a pile of roving, including some bling batts and some 15 micron Merino that I will spin into thick and thin (because it's so lovely that way). 

Next in the soap making business is lip balms! Placed an order yesterday and should receive the ingredients mid-week and maybe our first batch will turn out?? 

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